Monday, March 8, 2010


· What is your name?
Things you can include in your answer: your name, meaning of your name, who gave you your name, what your friends call you

· Describe your hometown.
Things you can include in your answer: name of your hometown, what your hometown is famous for, population of your hometown, things/places to be seen in your hometown

· What about your hometown would you like to change?
Things you can include in your answer: problem/s encountered in your hometown, possible solutions to those problem/s, who can possibly solve those problem/s

· What do you like about your hometown?
Things you can include in your answer: accessibility, cost of living, traffic situation, sceneries

· Describe your neighborhood.
Things you can include in your answer: kind of neighbors you have, description of surroundings, kinds of houses there

· What do you like and dislike about your neighborhood?
Things you may include in your answer: traffic situation, garbage collection, water problem, noise

· Tell me about your family.
Things you may include in your answer: number of family members, their names, their ages, their jobs

· What do your family members do for a living?
Things you may want to include in your answer: your family members' jobs (job title and what they do in those jobs)

· Tell me about your hobbies.
Things you may want to include in your answer: hobbies, why you enjoy doing those, when you started to have those hobbies, with whom you do them with

· Have you ever had a part time job? Full time job?
Things you may include in your answer: job title, simple job description or main responsibilities in the said job, when you started or resigned from the job, what you liked about the job

· What organizations/clubs are you into?
Things you may include in your answer: name of the club, when you joined it, why you joined it, the purpose of the club

· Where are you working right now?
Things you may include in your answer: your work, what you like about your work, your main responsibilities, when you started working in that job

· What do you do when you go out with your family/friends?
Things you may include in your answer: activities, why you like doing them with your family/friends

· Do you like sports?
Things you may include in your answer: yes or no,why you like sports, sports you like, what you like about that sport

· What kinds of books do you like reading?
Things you may include in your answer: type of book (science, art, etc.), why you like reading that/those type/s of books

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